Hollywood types love a revolutionary. Especially the kind that looks like the classic hippie; beard, long hair, a habit of smoking his breakfast. Even better, a revolutionary that hates capitalism. Che Guevera fits the bill perfectly. Here's Che: "Let us sum up our hopes for victory: total destruction of imperialism by eliminating its firmest bulwark, the oppression exercised by the United States of America."
I've made a point in my mind to never buy any product or see any movie involving an actor or author whom I see wearing a Guevera T-Shirt or jewelry, and if I hear any pro-Guevera speil spilling from the blubbering lips of some pseudo-intellectual, be sure that I'll call him on it. That means no Johnny Depp movies. Depp's one more under-educated, overrated malcontent who's prone to wearing Guevera jewelry and bandannas. Capitalists living off the fat of the land, telling others they should follow the lead of Marxist saboteurs. Go away Johnny; you're a loser.
Here's a quote from Christopher Hitchens, author of God is Not Great. The sickness that has infected his mind is obvious: 'His death meant a lot to me, and countless like me, at the time. He was a role model, albeit an impossible one for us bourgeois romantics insofar as he went and did what revolutionaries were meant to do - fought and died for his beliefs.'
Sure Mr. Hitchens, it's all so good in Cuba; every thing's just fine. Please move there. Please. You'll make about five bucks a day, but oh, the euphoria you'll experience for shoving it up the collective rears of Imperialist America!
Here's the real Che:
1) Executed thousands of political prisoners who opposed Castro's rule. Many of them never got a trial.
2)Enjoyed torturing prisoners, children included.
3)Labeled himself "Stalin II" early in his career.
4) Backed a regime that has imprisoned approximately 350,000 people for political dissent.
In the 20th century, communism is directly responsible for the deaths of 100 million people. Any idiot that thinks it was or is a noble endeavor deserves to experience its atrocities. What irks me the most, is that it's not the poor that speak so highly of Marxism or even its neutered cousin, democratic-socialism, it's the rich! They can have money--but not you.
Guevera was a terrible military commander. Like many zealous martinets, his legacy only survives because of the ardency of his beliefs and the unyielding force in which he wrote of them and carried them to fruition.
In the end, Che Guevera showed himself a coward. Before his capture at the hands of Bolivian Special Forces sent to capture or kill him, Che is reported to have yelled, "Do not shoot! I am Che Guevara and worth more to you alive than dead."
The Bolivians sent this so-called hero to the resting place of all who lack a proper respect for liberty: To a thug's grave.