Saturday, July 28, 2007

The American Republican Army

I'm going to say it outright. Democrats and liberals (and they've become one and the same) hate our military. Some have estimated that our military forces are comprised by approx. 95% (!) registered Republicans. Dems will complain about everything the military does, they'll Monday-Morning-Quarterback on every miscue, but do you think they'll actually go to a recruiting office? Hell no. Mom and Dad be sending them smart kids to college. The dumb ones go get their asses blown off in Mid-East Hell-Holes, right John Kerry?

Bill Clinton's left no doubt that he was the biggest coward to ever crawl from under a rock and into the Oval Office. He despised men in uniform, as did his enviro-quack, Al Gore. Both avoided ever being photographed with military or police officials.

You know what your problem is, Lefties? You used the word fascist TOO MUCH. You don't know what it means. You throw it around until it has no weight at all. Because you don't know right from wrong, having allied yourself with postmodern philosophers. George Bush is a fascist? Really?

I'm glad though that the ultra-left are cowards. At least they're forced to stay away from the fighting man's work. Our country is better off with the libs staffing our news rooms and Hollywood instead of our tanks and war rooms.

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