Monday, February 25, 2008

Obama: Prophet of the left

Can there be any doubt as to the leanings of our country at this point in time, given the numbers that election polls are showing?

The nation has surrendered, bowled over by a deluge of negative war and Bush stories. There will be no talking sense to our people now; we'll have to learn the hard way--again. The Bolshevik Revolution took place in 1913. Who would have thought that almost 100 years later, some would still have to argue as to whether socialism works? The farther into a socialistic quagmire a country wades, the closer to its own destruction it comes. It's so easy to see what happened to the Communists and how many of the once-great European nations have faded: Germany: Double-digit unemployment for over a decade; France: Massive immigration issues made worse by a staggering economy; Britain: high unemployment and a depleted national identity. All this despite the fact that Europe's military budget was minuscule thanks to US overseas deployment. Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, North Korea, Australia. All of them suffer from similar problems, and yet the hypnotic effect of government give-aways pulls them closer to the edge of oblivion. It's like a chunk of rotting meat in a bear-trap, the aroma pulling the bear closer until the jaws snap shut--then it's too late.

It appears that Obama, transcendent and messianic, will be our next president. He has already secured the Holy Grail of the presidential run: Media Approval. Yes, the most liberal senator there is, will be our president...


Anonymous said...

Whoah now! Obama has said he is NO liberal. Just ask him. :) By the way it can still get much worse before it gets better. Have you heard that blacks of political import that are supporting Hillary have been receiving deth threats? Likely from Muslims. They like to do that. ;)


Douglas Moore said...

I just heard that today. I'm betting that a further investigation into Obama's belief's would reveal a Muslim keel.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say socialism is all bad - Canada isn't doing that badly. There is a way to implement SOME of the socialist ideals without going the way of the communists (i.e. a good social net can be had without state reposession of people's hard-earned wealth).

On Obama, I agree with you 100%, the man is scary. The man's followers seem more transfixed, hypnotized, enthralled minions than level-headed adults whom agree with the man's plan for the nation. Obama spews verbal diahreah like no other, he goes on and on and says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

I fear Obama winning the election mostly because he is a big question mark. I don't see any pragmatic (a realistic democrat... right :-)) plan being presented, just a bunch of ideals (with me as president all will be united, we'll roast marshmellows with Ahmadijad and Hezbollah & sing Coom-ba-ya under the stars)...