Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Reagan years--the greatest job growth in world history

This is an article published in the New York Times in 1990. 18.7 million jobs created because of Reaganomics. But the Dems still can't get it right. They still want to push the Marxist agenda, bleeding cash out of hard-working Americans, thus destroying "Big Business" (Darth Vader music, please). Ever been employed by a poor person? If you have been, I guarantee you were poor too. Corporate America is lefty codeword for "Tax Sink". When they speak of the rich--they're not talking about all the millionaire Hollywood actors hiding their cash in overseas accounts. They'd prefer to tax the hell out of these businesses, already burdened by near-crushing regulation, until there's no one left to employ you or me. And guess what? When there's no one left to employ, there's no one working to feed our welfare system or help Africans learn to stop annihilating themselves.

Article here:

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